Ok at this point we are assuming that you edited your new site to your liking. Now that you are ready to go live before you do there are a few things that you need to know. Your new site is an extension of the eztimerental.com site that allows you to benefit from all the features on your newly deployed site.
To fully understand the booking & management process you will need to log in to your eztimerental.com account and click on the
“Help Center” link in the top right corner of the site

from there, you can get more info on the whole booking and management system. All the features that are present are now on your newly deployed site. You can run your business branded under your company website.
The EzTimeRental platform is packed with extremely powerful features all of which are included in your account. to get more info on all the features you can visit
about.eztimerental.com for more info
***Eztimerental.com is only the backend processing engine that powers your site in the background. While you will be able to take and manage your customer’s orders as a marketplace you will also benefit as your products will also be displayed on the eztimerental.com marketplace and we will drive bookings to your products.***